Welcome To The

E - Muddamaal

E - Muddamaal QR Management System

Simplify muddamaal management effortlessly with this secure, Gujarati-language web app. Input, generate QR codes, and print with ease. Transparent logs and secure status updates included.

Informative Dashboard

Total Muddamaal

See Total Number of Muddamaal present at Police Station.

Type of Muddamaal

See Total Muddamaal based on type of muddamaal.


3 Graphs to show you statastic in Pie-Chart.

Total Vehicle with Types Count

See Total Vehicles with counts of types.

Powerful Features


Save Time

Easy to Add Muddamaal

Easy to Updates Status

Print QR Code

Track Custody

Available in
Local Languages


Designed to provide Easy QR code Printing

Live Demo!

Scan Me

  • See FIR No

  • See Type of Muddamaal

  • Description of Items

Add. Manage. Print.

See why Policestation Like it


See Custody Logs

Easy to access of Custody of Muddamaal with infomration like Updated On, Updated By and Order Number.

App Screenshots

A picture is worth a thousand words


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